Fibreglass Mobile Tower

2600 Series

Quality mobile working platform designed for working where electrical safety is paramount.

When electrical safety matters, choose our Fibreglass Mobile Towers. Surprising affordability combined with exceptional safety, makes our range of fibreglass a viable alternative to aluminium. The 2600 series Fibreglass mobile scaffold towers have been tested and meet the Light Duty requirements of Australian/New Zealand Scaffolding Standard AS/NZS1576.3-1995. Fibreglass scaffold is suitable for use in electrical environments from substations to computer rooms, electricity sub stations, railways stations, building sites, battery rooms, computer rooms, foundries, aircraft & mines.

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Deck Length: 2.4m
Frame Widths: 0.7m*/1.2m*
Frame Heights: 1.0m / 1.5m
Transom Centres: 500mm
Tubes Outside Diameter: 50.8mm

Safety/ Technical Requirements:

* 0.7m rated Light Duty only – 1.2m Rated Medium Duty.
Plant design registered with WorkCover NSW

Disclaimer: WHS Regulations in same states require decks at 2.0m vertical intervals during erection and dismantling

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